Higher Institute of Entre Douro e Vouga
Fundação Terras Santa Maria

The Terras de Santa Maria da Feira Foundation is the holder of ISVOUGA.

This Foundation is composed of a founders council, a board of directors, an audit board and an executive board, and includes, in addition to the Santa Maria da Feira City Hall, academic personalities and a number of prestigious companies in the region.


ISVOUGA, through the degree courses it offers, in the areas of business sciences, communication sciences, legal sciences and technologies, aims to create and reinforce skills capable of boosting the economic and social development of the country and, in particular, the region of Between Douro and Vouga, in which it is located.

Renewed training offers

Aware of the centrality that the lifelong learning process assumes, ISVOUGA increasingly assumes itself as a center for the qualification of different audiences, namely through renewed continuous training offers.

Professional integration

The proposals for support and curricular enrichment follow objectives defined based on the priority given to combating academic failure and promoting versatile and differentiating curricula for students, thus corroborating and complementing the constant concern with integration and professional mobility of graduates.

Research and the provision of relevant services to the community are other of its most decisive responsibilities, guaranteeing the innovation and social usefulness of all its activity.


A reference higher education and training institution, promoting the acquisition of knowledge and skills fundamental to the needs of the labor market, at all times, responsible for the production of scientific and technological knowledge relevant to the development and modernization of the region of EDV, enhancer of educational qualifications, at the highest level, of economic, social and personal well-being.


Scientific, Cultural and Pedagogical Project

ISVOUGA is a private higher education institution of a polytechnic nature that, through the range of courses it offers and the research it promotes, aims to contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the region in which it is located.

With an offer particularly aimed at contributing to business growth, ISVOUGA aims to promote teaching-learning focused on creating and reinforcing its students’ technical and personal skills.

The orientation adopted, after the introduction of the Bologna model (2007/08 academic year), through the methodologies employed, envisages that the knowledge to be achieved, both in a more theoretical aspect and in another of a technical nature, will be achieved by so that fundamental transversal skills are simultaneously worked on and reinforced by students. Project work or work with a strong experimental component are, so to speak, recurring work tools, thus encouraging considerable levels of autonomy on the part of students in this process.

Institutional accreditation

ISVOUGA educational project
also involves supporting students

In identifying personal strategies and techniques that can contribute to increasing levels of academic success.

Providing support tools for curricular units that pose the most difficulties.

In the provision of physical spaces and equipment for work and study.

In the construction of versatile, specialized and differentiated curricula, by attending curricular units external to the curriculum of each course.

In search of the best solutions for completing an internship or placing graduates in the job market.

In the provision of continuous training offers capable of responding to the needs of student-workers and/or graduates.

In the prerogative it offers to allow better work-study harmonization, through partial attendance of courses.

In the prerogative it offers to allow better work-study harmonization, through partial attendance of courses.

In the integration of students into the culture of the local community.

Reinforcing critical sense and attitude towards current international issues.

Encouraging academic and professional mobility pathways.

In the open school philosophy, through the active participation of students in building a better school model.


Consult the Statutes of the Instituto Superior de Entre
the Douro and Vouga (ISVOUGA).


Instituto Superior de Entre Douro e Vouga

Fazemos parte da história
ISVOUGA 30 anos

Mensagem da Diretora

O ISVOUGA continua a ser diferenciador, nomeadamente devido à estabilidade do corpo docente e respetivos resultados ao nível de desempenho.

Adelina Portela
Diretora ISVOUGA


Instituto Superior de Entre Douro e Vouga

We are part of history
ISVOUGA 30 years

Message from the Director

ISVOUGA continues to be differentiating, particularly due to the stability of the teaching staff and respective results in terms of performance.

Adelina Portela
ISVOUGA Director